Thanks to
Debra Blower for precise traffic control in the holding area
Bobbie Buck for efficient and friendly coordination of classes and entries
Rosalee Morgan for attentiveness at the gate
Alynn Ward for ribbon presentation
Marjorie Lacy for hospitality
Karla Freeman for overseeing obstacles and poop in the arena
Leslie Hunchuk and Diane from PA for scribe duties
Paula Loewen for backup in any area
Stephen Woodall for understanding sound systems, overseeing barn organization and cleanliness
Fran Kerik and Brenda Woodall for collecting and organizing the gift exchange
Leslie Hunchuk for Logo Design and Frame
Alberta Walking Horse Association, especially Tanya Johnston, for the Pot Luck supper
Diane Padilla of PA for scribing
Committee Members – Leslie Hunchuk, Fran Kerik, Brenda Woodall, Dianne Little
Exhibitors who recognized a need and asked how they could help
Vic Almond of Vic Almonds Arena for support on many levels
Diane Sept our Judge